code and books

Practical guide for bridge aesthetics

  1. Aesthetics of bridge design

  2. Types of bridges and common factors for decision for selection of bridges.

  3. tools for bridge designers

Eurocode calculations:

Few important codes of practice


  1. Fundamentals of structural engineering, Jerome J Connor, Susan Faraji.

  2. Structural Analysis - In Theory and Practice, Alan Williams



  1. A policy on design of geometric design of highways and streets

ACI - American Concrete Institute

ACI 318-19. Available in IN-LB (Inch-Pound Units) and m-kg (meters-kg units)

Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete.

Caltrans - California Transport

Seismic Design Criteria (SDC 2.0)


Indian Standards

Indian Railways

Indian Roads Congress (IRC)


  1. BD 4200 - Embedded retaining wall and bridge abutments.

  2. BD 7899

  3. CD 357 Bridge expansion joints - web

Last updated